Purple Lizard Beverages sprang to life from a captivating notion that arose during the challenges of 2020. By 2021, this idea had taken concrete form, culminating in the establishment of Purple Lizard Beverages. Our central mission? To resurrect the beloved loganberry-flavoured drink that has left an indelible mark on many.​
The origins of our product can be traced back to the days of the Crystal Beach Amusement Park, where loganberry-infused beverages held a special place in the hearts of both park visitors and the neighboring communities. While the curtain fell on the amusement park in 1989, we've taken it upon ourselves, 30+ years later, to breathe new life into the iconic loganberry drink.
​At the helm of Purple Lizard Beverages is a 23-year-old graduate from the renowned University of Waterloo. This visionary founder drew inspiration from local tales and the historical fabric of our town, driving us to dedicate our efforts to provide a seamless blend of convenience and flavourful refreshment to our esteemed patrons.​
Whether you have fond recollections of the Crystal Beach Amusement Park or are just now discovering the delightful allure of loganberry, Purple Lizard Beverages is steadfast in its commitment to crafting an unparalleled taste experience.
Our mission is to deliver top-quality beverages that leave an enduring impression on your palate.​
Thank you for checking us out; this would not be possible without you! ​If you have any questions, suggestions, or business inquiries please don't hesitate to contact us!